Oct 29, 2008

I'm going to Milan, Italy

... and I'm not flying with Sterling haha. (The danish company Sterling filed a petition in bankruptcy today).

I've been looking around the internet and bought some travelbooks about Milan. I love planning on what to see when I'm there - it's half of the fun planning everything and having something to look forward to. I'm not so far in the planning yet, but I'm sure of 3 things to do when I'm there:

1. I want to see the big Milan Cathedral (also known as Duomo di Milano). It's the worlds third biggest church and it's over 600 years old. And the view from the roof is surposed to be amazing. They say that you on a good day with great weather can see the Alps from there.

2. I would love to see the painting "The Last Supper" by Leonardo DaVinci. It's in the convent of the small church Santa Maria delle Grazie. The fresco is really huge and in really bad shape. I thinks it's a "must" to see while we're there. But I've been told that you can't just turn up and go see it - we have to buy tickets online some months before so I'm already looking into that now.

3. Shopping and great food! Milan is undeniably one of the fashion capitals of the world so I HAVE to do some shopping while I'm there. I better start putting some money a side now...

I know that we're going until march, but I'm already looking so much forward to it! If you have any tips or tricks then please let me know! I want to see everything while I'm there!

XOXO Jeanett


Bailey said...

Duomo'en er noget af det smukkeste jeg har set i mit liv. Dog var jeg rigtig uheldig at være der da halvdelen af kirke var omgivet af stillads.

Smuk smuk by!

Miss Jeanett said...

Uh det håber jeg godt nok ikke den er, når vi skal derned! Det ville være max ærgeligt. Men med mit held skal det nok være det! Både St. Sulpice i Paris og Parthenon (Akropolis) i Athen var omgivet af stillads da jeg var der. Så it would just be my luck...

Unknown said...

Og ja - den sidste nadver er et kæmpe tilløbsstykke, men stort set umuligt at komme ind til...
Der var ikke nogen der havde fortalt os, at man skulle booke tid et halvt år i forvejen for at komme ind og se det... :(

Men domkirken er vanvittigt flot - hvis du kan kæmpe dig igennem alle duerne og duofoder-sælgerne foran den :P

Mikkel Højlund