Nov 7, 2009

Sis is in town!

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Me and my younger sister, Sabrina

My sister is in Odense this weekend (she lives in Copenhagen) and I'm gonna see her tonight since she's visiting me! Can't wait to see her - it has been more than a month since I saw her last. Then I can show her my blue knees and "pretty" tooth...


Min søster er i Odense denne weekend (hun bor i KBH) og jeg skal se hende i aften, da hun kommer på besøg! Glæder mig super meget til at se hende, da det er over en måned siden jeg så hende sidst. Så kan jeg også vise hende mine fine blå knæ og min "kønne" tand...

1 comment:

Megan Wolf said...

so much fun that your sister is there! you guys are so cute, and you totally can tell you are sister! you have the same eyes, and great fashion style!
