Dec 11, 2009

Me and Mr. Boyfriend in the paper - again!

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As I told you two days ago me and Mr. Boyfriend attend the meeting where the new elected politicians in Odense had to choose the new mayor and other things. After the meeting there were champagne, chocolate and small talk. And the newspaper caught in that - drinking champagne and smalltalking with the new mayor of Odense Anker Boye. This article was in the paper called Fyens Stiftidende yesterday. In the picture is my mother-in-law, me, Mr. Boyfriend and Anker. Oh yeah... and they didn't spell my first name right! Annoying. Hate when that happends!

You can see my whole outfit from that night here.


Some jeg fortalte jer for 2 dage siden, så var jeg og Hr. Kæreste til konstitueringsmøde på Odense Rådhus onsdag, hvor der blev valgt ny borgmester fra 1/1 2010 and valg til andre udvalg. Efter mødet var der champagne, chokolade og small talk - og avisen fangede mig midt i det; champagne og small talk med Odense nye(/come back kid) borgmester Anker Boye. Denne artikel var i Fyens Stiftidende igår. Med på billedet er min svigermor, mig, Hr. Kæreste og Anker. Og nååh ja.... mit fornavn fik de selvfølgelig stavet forkert selvom jeg fik en lang snak med journalisten (som ellers var ganske flink!) om hvor irriterende det er når folk staver ens navn forkert. Især fordi det for mig sker ofte både med fornavn og efternavn. Oftest vil folk gerne ha' mig til at Jeanette. Jeanett med dobbelt T uden E er åbenbart for svært... ;)

Ps. I kan se hele mit outfit fra den aften her.


Megan Wolf said...

congrats on being in the paper yet again! so wonderful. seems like you two are incredibly busy but doing some exciting things. looks like you two are a really cute couple. congrats! and chocolate, champagne and small talk are always fun :)


Noelia Cortinas said...

Thank for your comment.Your pictures are amazing!
Welcome to my site and Merry Christmas.

Miss Jeanett said...

@ Megan
Thank you sweety! Yeah there's a lot going on, but it is all so exiciting and new to us!

@ Noe
Thank you so much - and a merry christmas to you too!