Jul 18, 2009

Outfit of the day # 44

This was my outfit last night when I met up with fellow fashionistas and fashion bloggers. I had a really fun night!
The dress is actually also one of my latest buys. I found it in Gina Tricot in Copenhagen on sale with 50 % of - so it was 124 DKK (£ 14 / $ 23).


Her er hvad jeg havde på igår, da jeg mødtes med fashionistaer og mode-bloggere (bla. MissBailey, Cecilia, Tulles Univers og Katten). Det var virkelig sjovt, at møde folk i virkeligheden!
Kjolen er faktisk en af mine nyeste køb. Jeg fandt den her i København i Gina Tricot til minus 50 % - så den kostede sølle 124 kr!

What I'm wearing:

White dress with bow from
Gina Tricot
Gladiator heels from Primark
Bracelet from Asos - Get it here


Sweets and Hearts said...

i am LOVING this dress (i'm a huge fan of bows). lucky you for finding such a good deal! <3

Anne said...

Super cute dress! Love it. Can't believe you got it that cheap! Do you know if they have it in other colours? I love the white one you got, but I'm not very good with wearing white myself, always gets it dirty, hehe..

Miss Jeanett said...

Thank you both of you! I'm so happy about the dress too - really one of those sale bargans!

Anne - I've only seen it in white, sorry. So I don't know if it exists in other colours.

DaisyChain said...

LOVE the dress

tonia fashion tour said...

such a beautiful dress...it fits perfect with the shoes...:DDD

Miss Jeanett said...

Thank you so much!! It's so sweet of you!

Katrine. K said...

virkelig flot kjole - og skoene også!! Har du købt dem over nettet eller i uk?

Og du har en virkelig god blog må jeg indrømme :)

Miss Jeanett said...

Tusind tak for de søde ord, Katrine. Skoene er købt over den engelske ebay! Jeg måtte bare eje dem i sin tid :)

Candy said...

Wow, looking good! =]

The boots are from ZARA!

Tasha said...

bargain-tastic fab dress. The bow gives it a cute touch :)

Miss Jeanett said...

Candy - thanks! You're boots are so awesome!

butterfly - yeah, I'm really loving it!

KV said...

Wow, beautiful outfit :)