Jul 20, 2009

Please eat something!!

Maybe I'm just bitter because I just came home from the movies and I think the new Harry Potter sucked. No, I now that I think of it then I do actually think that AnnaLynne McCord (from the new 90210) should eat a BigMac or 1000...


Måske er jeg bare lidt negativ, fordi jeg lige er kommet skuffet hjem fra biografen efter at ha' set den nye Harry Potter film (den er ret så semi-kedelig). Nej, nu når jeg tænker over det, så ville jeg nok synes, lige meget hvor dårlig Harry var, at AnnaLynne McCord (fra det nye 90210) skulle spise en burger eller 1000...


Ruby said...

Enig! Man kan nærmest se hendes indvolde så tynd hun er. Klamt!

Iø, rigtig fin blog!

stilettolover91 said...

I agree with you!! She looks too skinny here!


DaisyChain said...

yeah, she looks awful!

Miss Jeanett said...

Thanks guys - I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she looks too skinny!

Ruby - du har helt ret, det er godt nok tæt på! Og tusind tak :)

KV said...

I don't really think she's too skinny.. She seems thin, yeah, but she still has boobs and her thighs aren't that small :) That's the way she's been since the first time i ever saw her on tv, so i think it's just natural. Just like me, i can eat whatever I want, but thanks to really fast/good metabolism, i don't gain weigh, and I weigh the same since I was 13 :)xx

Sofie B said...

Hun ser ihvert fald for tynd ud nede omkring hofterne! (She looks too skinny around the hips - for the english speaking) :)